- In 1154 Henry II becomes the first Plantagenet king. Later in 1603 king James VI if Scotland succeeds Queen Elizabeth to the throne uniting 2 countries. About 300 years later England joins the European union.
- In the 1500's England was strongly catholic until Henry the eight changed his religion to Protestant so that he could divorce his wife's.
- 54 b.c. was the year that Julius Caesar invaded England. in 1422 Henry the fifth dies and the disputes among his successors lead to the war of the roses. From 1914- 1918 world war 1 put the end to the era of peace and poverty.
- 1837, Queen Victoria's reign begins and the British empire reaches the height of its power.
- In 1992 the queen agrees to pay taxes for the first time. Also a large fire destroys the Windsor Castle.
Lyle, Garry. England. England: Chelsea house publishers, 2000